Yup, that big ass printer is going back home..byk berjasa wei, semua handouts utk students aku print guna menatang ni. Takleh print black, so the handouts for 1 Diamond and 2 Crystal ended up being all colourful..hope you guys enjoy my ink..heheh
Kt atas printer tu, my collection of DVDs. I lost count of how much money I spent on buying DVDs. Biasanya aku beli pukal teruih, buy 5 free 1. Sampai adik jual DVD kt Giant ngn Apek sama Amoi jual DVD kt HP dh kenal sgt ngn muka aku..mwahahaha
I stuffed this bag (that I always bring back and forth from JB-KB during hols) with 'baju kurungs' and a tote filled with literature textbooks and reference books as well as other TESL-related books that I have to buy during studies.
Guess what's in it. I bought this bag during foundation, I think, after one of my course mates (who gave me a kiss during the final dinner) bought it to dump her stuff in it. Ada meja kecik yang leh lipat tu (aku beli masa dapat rumah yang di crammed ngan 16/17 people masa mula2 masuk maktab blk) utk aku buat keje atas katil sbb nak pijak tanah pun tak cukup lantai dalam rumah warden yang diberi pada kitaorg pada masa itu. Lepas tu, ada kipas angin yang aku beli masa kipas celaka dlm bilik ni mati pastu tak hidup2 dah. 2 minggu lepas komplen baru la dtg nak fix. Mati kepanasan aku kalau takde kipas pantai yang berjasa tu.
Beg yang hujung kiri tu my father dah bawak g London mana dh. Keep all the important stuff in it. I called it my reliable Samsonite sbb beg tu ada password so org takleh bukak mcm tu je. Beg army tu pun my father bagik, leh humban segala2nya kt dlm tu because of its elongated size. Yang kecik warna hitam tu pow nenek aku punya rasanya..
2 boxes filled with I-don't-know-what-I've-accumulated-over-the-years. Mampuih byk giler brg. My father dh sound masa pindah dr mktb ke UPM dulu sbb brg aku la rasanya plg byk sekali dr org lain. In the first box on the right tu ada buku2 kt bwh pastu aku lapik dgn benda lain takut berlipat cover buku tu dan sebagainya. Ada buku lingusitic, teaching methodology, testing and evaluation and other academic related books.
Yg satu box lg tu korang nampak tak shoebox Obermain ngn box yg ada gmbr cerek tu? The boxes do not symbolize what is inside. Dlm boxes tu aku letak buku2, ada buku cerita, my beloved Oxford dictionary, thesaurus dan sebagainya. Yes, I love my books more than I love my myself. I give them extra protection.
So, that is the sum of my 6 years going back and forth, first from JB-KB, then KL-KB, and revert back to JB-KB. Hopefully lepas ni, tak jauh sgt la going back and forth nya. Cross my heart and wishing on my luck.
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