Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hari tu ye2 aje kau sumpah dan maki hamun org tu. Mcm2 kau umpat dan mengata org itu. Itu, ini dan mcm2 lg perkataan yg kalau aku tulis kt cni mmg kena censor. Tp alih2 hari ni kau boleh bergelak ketawa dan bertepuk tampar dgn manusia sama yang kau caci maki dan umpat. Isn’t life just pretentious?


  1. itu mungkin namanya kemaafan. and that word can create miracles.
    its not something to be angry at if two ppl who previously at war have sorted things out and be best pals...
    i mean, isn't that the way the world is supposed to spin?

  2. forgive and forget. kalau dunia ni boleh buat mcm tu maybe it would not be a horrendous place to stay. Gandhi used to say if everyone wants an eye for an eye, then everybody would be blind. kalau semua nak berdendam dan nak balas blk ape yg dilakukan ke atas dirinya, kacau dunia ni.

    sometimes the best of frens were the worst of enemies.
